[fun Korean] 진짜 예쁘다.

[fun Korean] 진짜 예쁘다.

🥕 진짜 = really , 예쁘다 = pretty 🐰 I have been teaching Korean but I am still studying Korean to fill in my deficiencies and find more efficient teaching methods to deliver the most informative and recent Korean language In line with this, I have started my Youtube Channel to try the blended learning method Thankfully, there were my previous students and new ones who visited my channel to study so I will do my best to make good videos so that everyone here can improve Korean Language! 아자아자 파이팅! Let me know if you have any questions! Thank you so much~ 감사합니다! 💕💖 Love, Teacher Rabbit 📌 멋진 학생들이 공부하는 공간이기 때문에 폭력적인 댓글을 삭제될 수 있습니다 비폭력이란 어느 누구에게도 상처를 입히지 않는 실천을 의미합니다 Violent comments can be deleted because it is a place where wonderful students study Non-violence means a practice that does not hurt anyone 📌 해당 영상의 저작권은 "토끼한국어"에게 있습니다 이 영상을 공유하는 것은 가능하나 허가 없이 변경/ 배포는 불가합니다 The COPYRIGHT of the video belongs to "Rabbit Korean'" Sharing this video is possible, but it cannot be changed/distributed without permission #learnkorean #learnkoreansentence #practicekorean #koreanphrasesforbeginners #learnkoreanwords #koreanlocations #koreanpositions #easykoreanforbeginner