Decadent Old Fashion German Apple-Cheesecake w/Almonds and Raisen

Decadent Old Fashion German Apple-Cheesecake w/Almonds and Raisen

I guess I broke the spell 🤗🤣👍 No ladies in my ckan can bake anything , not even if our life depends on it 🤣 But i think I nailed it and broke the spell! I made as a "test drive" this unbelievable, addictive and decadent Apple-Cheesecake ! I used about 500 gr peeled and cut into pieces apples (any) 1 handful soaked in water raisins 1 cup sliced or sliced almonds 1tbs cylon cinnamon 1 cup of monkey sugar ( use any you want , but fir diabet ppl it's the best ) If you don't want the almonds in it , leave them out And mix , set aside For the Cheese cake filling : 1 1/2 pack room temp cream cheese 1 room temp lg egg I pinch salt 1/2 cup monkey sugar ( or any other) 1 tsp vanillin sugar 1/2 pack vanillin pudding powder 60 gr . Heavy wipping cream Mix all and set aside For the bottom : 1 room temp lg egg 1/2 cup monkey sugar or any other 1 pinch salt 11/2 stick room temp butter 1/2 cup baking flower 1 tsp baking powder Egg , butter ,salt and sugar into bowl , mix till creamy Add slowly the flower and bsking powder spoon by spoon into bowl and mix till runny . I used a flower cake baking pan , , buttered it and filled in first the cream cheese, then layered carefully the apples and covered the mass w/ the bottom dough . Bake on 356°F /180°C for 1 hour Set aside for cooling and overnight in the fridge THAN take away the baking vessel! Sprinkle cinnamon and some raisin on abd around it , serve w/ fresh heavy wipping cream and try not to eat the whole cake in one sitting 🤗🤣🤣 I hope you like this recipe and let me know if you made it , please leave a comment and like and subscribe to my channel ! Chare this video and recipe with you loved ones ! If I can bake this , so can you ! And have fun ! #petrascauldron #cooking #diabetes #fastfood #germanfood #healthyeating #inexpensivefood #soulfood #diabeticfriendly #applecheesecake #oldgermanapplecake #bakingcakes