the only hair subliminal you will ever need.
SO PROUD OF THIS ONE ‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️ benefits in the comments !! ★ “WHAT IS THIS VIDEO?” Manifestation as a self-help exercise refers to focusing your thoughts on a desired outcome—through practices like mindfulness, visualization, and meditation—in order to try to bring it into reality. The music in this audio is layered with inaudible statements to improve the physical and mental wellbeing. Subliminal affirmations are proven to be able to have positive influence on the human subconscious and conscious mind (source: https://www.sir.advancedleadership.harvard... ) ‼️ DISCLAIMER: i do NOT guarantee results with this video/audio material, this is NOT a replacement for any medical treatment. This video is targeted to people practicing manifestation methods, so please be respectful. This is a safe & positive channel about self growth, no harm intended. AFFIRMATIONS RECORDED WITH MY VOICE & INFUSED WITH POSITIVE VIBES 🫶🏻 ★ PAID REQUESTS OPEN: im open to make you your own custom subliminal like this! more information about prices & how to order: @miisworkshop / https://instagram.com/miisworkshop?igshid=... ★ MY SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/31gclg66ztjy... ★ CREDITS: music: art deco - Lana Del Rey (instrumental) video: all rights to the owner of the videos, i do NOT own any of the material used in this video. editing: by mii !