Redrawing My Old High School OCs... Again! (Speedpaint + Commentary)

Redrawing My Old High School OCs... Again! (Speedpaint + Commentary)

Back in July, I redesigned some old characters for a childhood project of mine, and today I'm redesigning the second half of the main cast! This story was an action/urban fantasy story that had been abandoned for years, but I recently wondered what they would look like if I chose to reboot the story - and that meant giving all of the main characters the glowups they deserved. (fun fact: this video is currently in first place on my channel for the longest script -- more than 8000 words 🫠) This is the second part of a planned series. Future parts of this series will be linked here for viewing convenience as they are uploaded. Part 1:    • Redesigning Some Old Characters! (Spe...   - ☕ Music Used (in order) ☕ "On the Rocks" by TrackTribe -    • TrackTribe - "On The Rocks" [Copyrigh...   "Vital Whales" by Unicorn Heads -    • Unicorn Heads - Vital Whales   "Lifting Dreams" by Aakash Gandhi -    • Aakash Gandhi - Lifting Dreams   "Headlands" by National Sweetheart -    • Headlands   "Skating on the Uppers" by National Sweetheart -    • Skating on the Uppers   - ☕ My Whereabouts ☕ Twitter:   / ineedchamomile   Instagram:   / ineedchamomile   Tumblr:   / ineedchamomile   Twitch:   / acupofchamomile   Bluesky: ☕ If you like what you see, you can also support me on Ko-Fi!: ☕ Link to my Etsy shop here: #speedpaint #originalcharacter #characterdesign character design, character design process, time lapse art, time lapse drawing, small artists, artwork, a cup of chamomile, speedpaint, speedpaint clip studio paint, speed painting, speedpaint commentary, redesigning characters, redesigning characters oc, redesigning old ocs, redesigning old characters, ocs