Family Rosary Across America [ LIVE From Champion Shrine ] Monday, October 9, 2023

Family Rosary Across America [ LIVE From Champion Shrine ] Monday, October 9, 2023

Welcome to the Family Rosary Across America with Fr. Rocky! We are live at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in Champion, WI. Tonight's co-host is Drew Mariani. As we lift our prayers up to Our Lord, through our Blessed Mother, let us contemplate tonight the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Sign up to receive weekly videos on the Holy Eucharist at Want to donate to Relevant Radio? Here's how: You can also find us on: Vimeo YouTube Channel    / @relevantradionetwork   Fr Rocky Facebook Page   / fatherrocky   Drone Footage Credit: Troy Graham Av8 Droneworx