Peak week IFBB Australia Nationals | Part 1 | Bikini competition update | BIKINI PHYSIQUE

Peak week IFBB Australia Nationals | Part 1 | Bikini competition update | BIKINI PHYSIQUE

PEAK WEEK is here, my dear friends. I have documented so much. TOO MUCH in fact, that I have divided it into parts. This is part 1. In this video, I take you through my meals, my feelings and omg, my bikini competition hair. If you're keen to take a sneaky spy into what a bikini girl spends her peak week doing, be sure to check it out! SUBSCRIBE to Teeghan Louise for weekly videos on fit lifestyle tips and my crazy cat lady ways - ▽JUST FOUND TEEGHAN LOUISE? Watch These ❤365 Days of Bikini Comp Prep - ❤IFBB Bikini comp debut mini series - ❤The Easiest Way to Shred - ▽ Find Teeghan Louise on social media. Say Hello! ❤Instagram: @teeghanlouise   / teeghanlouise   ❤Facebook:   / teeghanlouise   ❤Twitter: @tezshredz ❤BodySpace: ▽ Like and subscribe if you haven't already! I appreciate all of your support - ▽ Keep up to date with my comp prep vlog series - Stay tuned to my channel, I post three times a week! Join me as I prepare for my IFBB Bikini debut in 2017.