Healing from benzodiazepine damage; what I put my attention on will grow & expand!

Healing from benzodiazepine damage; what I put my attention on will grow & expand!

Click here to sign up for benzo support/coaching, or to leave a tip(buy me a coffee)- https://linktr.ee/philosophicalfishing Follow me on Instagram at: philosophical_fishing What I focus on in benzo withdrawal, protracted withdrawal, and all stages of benzo healing will be what grows and expands in my life! It is greatly important that we turn our attention towards gratitude, even for very little things. So much of what we experience from benzo damage is physical, that's just a fact. I've learned that the mental and spiritual will affect the physical body as well. It's all connected. If we can dial our focus onto healing, while intentionally avoiding those things in our environment that disturb us, we can better train our minds and bodies to respond to the positive healing we give ourselves. Follow me on instagram at:   / philosophical_fishing   Resources: https://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/   / 1849311.  . https://www.benzoinfo.com/ashtonmanual/ If you need emergency help please see a medical professional If you need to speak with someone please reach out to Hopeline: 910-231-4525 call or text 24/7, or dial 877-235-4525