Get 20% OFF + Free Shipping on your order with our promo code "BARBS20" at https://mnscpd.com/BarbsBuzzin #teammanscaped #givegoodface Today we unboxed a ton of different saltwater fish to add to all our saltwater aquariums! Join the Fish Guy community🗑🌊🌎 https://www.joinfishguy.com/join The Fish Guy Shop https://fishguy.shop/collections/all ! For every order sold we will be removing trash from the ocean to support ocean conservancy. We are going to make a positive impact to our underwater world together! FOLLOW OUR SOCIALS! YouTube Channels: Fish Guy Chris: @FishGuyChris Fish Guy Jack: @FishGuyJack Manager Brooke: @ManagerBrooke Instagram: @the_fishguys @fishguy.shop -Jack @fishguyjack -Brooke @Brookegentile -Chris @fishguychris_ Tiktoks: @thefishguys_ For business inquiries only: [email protected] For non-business realted inquiries: [email protected] What's up Fish Guys and Gals! Welcome to the Barbs Buzzin (The Fish Guys) Youtube Channel! This channel is all about entertaining you all through sharing our hobby of fishing, fish keeping, and love for South Florida with you all. Along with that, we have a passion for giving back to the ocean and the beautiful marine animals that inhabit it. Which is why we started The Fish Guy Shop... Our mission is to create a community of people who will help spread the word of ocean conservancy and inspire change along side us. For every order sold at The Fish Guy Shop we will personally be removing trash from the ocean to help make a positive impact to our underwater world. Along with that, all of our packaging is 100% eco-friendly and sustainable. We hope you all enjoy our videos and know that we could not do any of this without your support!