125+ Wealth Affirmations to Call in Prosperity and Success | I am Wealthy
The ultimate list of wealth affirmations to call in prosperity and success. Would you truly like to Thrive in 2025? Are you willing to do whatever it takes? These Wealth Affirmations will help you immerse yourself in the vibration of wealth. However, affirmations are not enough. You also need to find out what's holding you back from success - how you are self-sabotaging. Find out how you are sabotaging your success: https://laurenkinghorn.com/assessment Rewire your brain from Saboteur to Sage: https://howtobethelight.com/rewire-yo... Podcast Episode here: https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/... I am wealthy. I always have more money than I need. I'm automatically attracting more money into my life. I am in overflow. I'm wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. I'm living the life of my dreams. I am rich. I am successful. I am affluent. I am deeply grateful for all the wealth I have. I am open to receiving unexpected blessings and miracles. I receive infinite blessings. I live a life full of wonderful miracles. I believe in miracles, big and small. I am open to miracles every day. I am ready to receive many miracles in my life. Miracles keep coming my way. I welcome financial windfalls. The universe is abundant, and that includes me. The source of my income is immediate. and endless. My income increases every day. I am abundant. I am prosperous. I am loaded. I am financially independent. I am financially free. It is safe for me to be wealthy. I deserve to be wealthy. I am worthy of great riches. I create wealth with honesty and integrity. I welcome money into my life from all directions. All the things I want and need come to me. I deserve all the things I want and need. I attract all the things I want and need. I have. All the things I want and need. All my needs and desires are met. I have a bank account with more than enough. Everything I do turns into success. Everything I do turns to gold. Success comes effortlessly for me. My success is contagious. I draw all things positive to myself. I attract positive people to myself. People I work with. Clients that come to work with me. I'm very fortunate to love the work I do. I'm grateful for everything I have achieved. My work is play. I make magic when I work. I'm happy to take risks and try new things. I feel great about my life and my work. I feel great about the way I go about my daily work. I'm grateful for all the people who help make my work enjoyable and effortless. I bless my career with love. I bless my clients with love. I bless my desk with love. I bless my phone with love. I am grateful for all the tools I have to do my job. I have the best career. I always love the work I do. My career is deeply fulfilling and it is a joy for me to work each day. I choose a career where I can make a difference. I have a great career. I am in contribution. The more impact I make, the more money I make. The more money I make, the more impact I make. Being rich and successful is a worthy goal because it means I can make a difference in this world. Being wealthy and successful opens doors to me that weren't open before. I choose to be wealthy and successful. It is safe to have riches and success. I make my money work for me and for others. Having money is good for me, good for others, and for the greater good. It's such fun making money. I enjoy making money. I love making money.