Oct. 17, Live Catholic Mass at St. Charles Borromeo in Kansas City, MO

Oct. 17, Live Catholic Mass at St. Charles Borromeo in Kansas City, MO

Welcome to our October 17, 2021, Live Catholic Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Kansas City, Missouri. Celebrating, “The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time.” Our Celebrant is Father Don Farnan. The Gospel and Homily is presented by Deacon Victor Quiason. Learn more about Saint Charles at https://www.stcharleskc.com. St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church is led by Father Don Farnan and is a loving community of faith open to all. We cherish the opportunity to help you grow your faith, find your purpose, and resolve life’s mysteries and challenges. View Father Don’s blog at https://chargedwithstcharles.blog. St. Charles Offers In Person and Online Mass each week: Virtual Mass is presented each Saturday at 4 pm on this YouTube Channel:    / stcharlesborromeoparishkansascity  . In Person Mass is offered daily (Tuesday-Friday at 9 am), and weekends: Saturday (4 pm) and Sunday (8:30 and 11 am). Per CDC and local health guidelines, mask-wearing is strongly encouraged for both vaccinated and unvaccinated attendees. A designated seating area is available for those who wish to remain socially distanced. COVID-19 safety preventions, including vigilant cleaning, sanitation procedures, and complimentary masks continue at every mass. October 17 Bulletin: https://container.parishesonline.com/... October 17 Worship Aid: https://uploads.weconnect.com/mce/a6b... Online Offertory: https://stcharleskc.weshareonline.org... Prayer of Spiritual Communion: My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. **This video is produced by a nonprofit organization and does not include monetization or paid promotion. Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-719952. All rights reserved. Join Our Community: Website: https://www.stcharleskc.com Father Don’s Blog: https://chargedwithstcharles.blog Facebook:   / stcharleskc   Twitter:   / stcharleskcmo   Instagram:   / stcharleskc   YouTube:    / stcharlesborromeoparishkansascity   Contact Us: St. Charles Borromeo Parish 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, MO 64118 (816) 436-0880 [email protected]