10 of my KiDS SHOP ALL IN ONE BRAND!! Who HAD the BEST FIT?! @HudsonMatter and @salishmatter JUDGE! WATCH NEXT: • I SURPRiSED My DAUGHTER and SON with ... I SURPRiSED My DAUGHTER and SON with a ROOM MAKEOVER!! ✨ 💖 SOME OTHER ViDEOS WE THiNK YOU MiGHT LiKE: @JUSTKASS • MY 16 SiBLiNGS MEET OUR BABY GiRL FOR... MY 16 SiBLiNGS MEET OUR BABY GiRL FOR THE FiRST TIME! Emotional @jordanmatter • My Daughter's Phone Was Stolen!! WHO STOLE MY iPHONE? Game of Clue @nenfam • GET READY WiTH ME!! *BOYFRiEND TALK!!... GET READY WiTH ME!! BOYFRiEND TALK!! 🥰 💋 WATCH MORE: @NotEnoughNelsons @nenfam @JUSTKASS @kassandjosh @KennaDeeKay @TreyTriesThings @TreyIzzy @ZionWhiteBison LINKS TO OUR FAVORITE ITEMS: https://www.amazon.com/shop/notenough... CHECK OUT OUR MERCH!! https://notenoughnelsons.com/ #shoppingallinonebrand #shopping #16kids Welcome to Not Enough Nelsons! We Post a NEW video TWO TIMES A WEEK!!! We are the "NOT ENOUGH NELSONS" FAMILY! We are a big family of 18! We always get asked if they are all ours!!? 7 are biological and 9 are adopted! SO YES!! THEY ARE ALL OURS!! We sure love each one of our 16 kiddos! We hope you enjoy our videos! We have had a blast filming them! (except for the occasional meltdowns) Follow along with our crazy family on this great youtube adventure! Our videos consist of Vlogs of our crazy life, Dancing, Skits, and Challenges Etc.! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE FUN VIDEOS! MOM- Tiffany DAD- Benji OUR KIDS: Kenn- 27 yrs old JourNee- 26 yrs old Bridger- 26 yrs old Kass- 25 yrs old Trey- 24 yrs old Jaine- 22 yrs old LiLee- 18 yrs old SaiDee- 17 yrs old NayVee- 17 yrs old Luke- 15 yrs old PaisLee- 13 yrs old DeLayNee- 13 yrs old PresLee- 11 yrs old ElleCee- 11 yrs old Beckham- 9 yrs old Ledger- 5 yrs old For collaboration inquiries email us at [email protected] Music: final cut pro free music, youtube audio free music, Artlist .io, Bensound, ZapsplatCategoryEntertainment, Epidemic Sound