Piles- बवासीर से जुड़ी जरुरी बातें | Causes Symptoms & Treatment
Piles (बवासीर) क्या है, क्यों होता है, लक्षण और इलाज, घरमे कैसे ठीक करें All about piles its symptom causes home remedies and treatments as well as foods more files patient and what to eat what not to eat all explain in this video ...... #piles #pilesrelief #pilessolution #pilescure #pilestreatment #pilestreatmentathome #pileshomeremedy ____________________________________________ यह वीडियो भी देखे 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 1- Papaya And Fibres---- • Papaya Benefits- पपीता खाने के फायदे ... 2-Kiwi & Benefits ---------- • Kiwi-Know The Benefits And Myths | ₹... 3-Chia seeds ऐसे खाने से होंगेफायदे--------- • Amazing Benefits of Chia Seeds | शरीर... Like Subscribe Share 👍 Thanks for Watching 🤗 Keep supporting ✅