Iggy Azalea, Charli XCX & Ariana Grande - Fancy/Problem (Live at The Billboard Music Awards 2014)

Iggy Azalea, Charli XCX & Ariana Grande - Fancy/Problem (Live at The Billboard Music Awards 2014)

Performance memorável de Ariana Grande, Iggy Azalea e Charli XCX, nos entregando um medley dos hits “Fancy” & “Problem” – diretamente do palco do Billboard Music Awards 2014. pov: Pura nostalgia. 💖 Instagram: @pedrokrilow Memorable performance by Ariana Grande, Iggy Azalea and Charli XCX, delivering us a medley of hits “Fancy” & “Problem” – straight from the 2014 Billboard Music Awards stage. pov: Pure nostalgia. #IGGYAZALEA #ARIANAGRANDE #CHARLIXCX #BILLBOARDMUSICAWARDS #IggyAzaleaFromTheVault 🗝