Hallelujah - 1 HOUR LOOP - Leonard Cohen - Alexandra Burke - Cover by Lucy Thomas - Best Cover Ever

Hallelujah - 1 HOUR LOOP - Leonard Cohen - Alexandra Burke - Cover by Lucy Thomas - Best Cover Ever

Enjoy this video & support us by commenting, sharing, subscribing, 🔔 and LIKE 👍! Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen - Alexandra Burke - Cover by Lucy Thomas, 16 Hallelujah features on her third album "Timeless" available on all music platforms. Please click here for details - https://www.lucythomasmusic.com/albums ❤️️ Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is one of our all time favourite songs! There have been so many wonderful covers of Hallelujah including by Jeff Buckley, KD Lang, Pentatonix, Andrea Bocelli and Alexandra Burke, whose beautiful cover of the song inspired this recording. LYRICS: I'VE HEARD THERE WAS A SECRET CHORD He oído que había un acorde secreto THAT DAVID PLAYED, AND IT PLEASED THE LORD Que tocó David y agradó al Señor BUT YOU DONT REALLY CARE FOR MUSIC, DO YA? Pero en realidad no te interesa la música, ¿verdad? WELL IT GOES LIKE THIS, THE FOURTH, THE FIFTH... Va así, la cuarta, la quinta... THE MINOR FALLS AND THE MAJOR LIFTS La menor cae, la mayor se eleva THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING El rey desconcertado componiendo HALLELUJAH! ¡Aleluya! YOUR FAITH WAS STRONG BUT YOU NEEDED PROOF Tu fe era fuerte pero necesitabas pruebas YOU SAW HER BATHING ON THE ROOF La viste bañándose en el tejado HER BEAUTY AND THE MOONLIGHT OVERTHREW YA Su belleza y la luz de la luna te derribaron SHE TIED YOU TO A KITCHEN CHAIR Te ató a una silla de cocina SHE BROKE YOUR THRONE, AND SHE CUT YOUR HAIR Rompió tu trono y te cortó el pelo AND FROM YOUR LIPS SHE DREW THE... Y de tus labios sacó el... Hallelujah! ¡Aleluya! MAYBE THERE'S A GOD ABOVE Tal vez haya un Dios arriba BUT ALL I'VE EVER LEARNED FROM LOVE pero todo lo que he aprendido del amor WAS HOW TO SHOOT SOMEBODY WHO OUTDREW YA fue cómo disparar a alguien que te superaba AND IT'S NOT A CRY THAT YOU HEAR AT NIGHT y no es un grito lo que oyes por la noche IT'S NOT SOMEONE WHO'S SEEN THE LIGHT no es alguien que ha visto la luz IT'S COLD AND IT'S A BROKEN... es frío y es un roto... HALLELUJAH! ¡Aleluya! 💖Comment "I love it" if you're reading this and listening to this song! #lucythomas #leonardcohen #hallelujahcover #MusicSavesMyLife #hallelujah #cover #alelujah #aleluya