tying in a climbing rose. Part 3/3 - flowering.

tying in a climbing rose. Part 3/3 - flowering.

The concluding part of the rose tying video. Following the rose as it begins to bud in early march to flowering in June. Part 1 - prep -    • tying in a climbing rose.  Part 1/3 -...   Part 2 - tying -    • tying in a climbing rose. Part 2/3 - ...   The stem that snapped whilst i was trying to tie it in (shown in part 2 of this series), has predictably left a slight gap in the display, coupled with the nature of this rose flowering on long tall new stems, this has meant most of the flowers are at a similar height, as this is eye level this isn't a huge issue, there will be more stems to tie in later in the year when its taken down and re-tied again....and i will make sure there are a few more tied lower down.