The Feast of Christ the King -- Sunday, November 25, 2012  -- With Steve Danzey

The Feast of Christ the King -- Sunday, November 25, 2012 -- With Steve Danzey

Sunday, November 25, 2012, marked the last Sunday after Pentecost, which has for decades been celebrated as the Feast of Christ the King in much of Western Christendom. St. Peter's kept the feast in great style, singing beloved hymns that honor Christ's kingship, hearing a fabulous sermon by deacon student Jess Elfring Roberts, and of course celebrating the Holy Eucharist to commemorate Christ the King's ultimate triumph in His death, burial, and glorious resurrection. You won't want to miss this sacred treat, a true feast for the eyes, the ears, and the heart! Voluntary Processional: "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus," 5:14 Gloria in Excelsis, 12:29 Gradual Hymn: "The Head That Once Was Crowned With Thorns," 19:32 The Sermon: Guest Preacher Jess Elfring, 24:00 The Creed, 30:32 The Prayers, 32:14 Offertory Anthem: "With a Voice of Singing," Martin Shaw, 35:56 Offertory Hymn: "Christ is the King!" 38:34 The Great Thanksgiving, 41:36 Hymn After Communion: "Lord Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor," 55:04 Blessing and Recessional Hymn: "Crown Him with Many Crowns," 59:52 Dismissal and Voluntary, 1:03:56 ----- Unfortunately, the Rev. Dr. Charles Stephen Danzey / Steve Danzey's tenure at St. Peter’s became fraught and polarizing following Episcopal Diocese of Chicago Bishop Jeffrey D. Lee / Jeff Lee's appointment of Danzey as St. Peter’s priest-in-charge in October 2013. Fr. Danzey left in May 2015 for Good Samaritan in Sammamish, Washington. Zachary/Zakary/Zak Siler left more recently, and the church is on the brink of selling part or all of its property to condo developers. For more information, visit this Dropbox link for a narrative of Fr. Danzey’s destructive tenure, as well as source documents.