Bible Study - Gospel of John - Lesson 37 (Jn 8: 31-45)
Lesson 37 of the Gospel of John online Bible study of the United Church of Colchester, Colchester, Vermont. This is the thirty-seventh in our continuing series of Bible study videos exploring the Gospel of John. GOSPEL OF JOHN - Lesson 37 "Slavery To Sin And Tradition" KEY TEXT for this lesson: John 8: 31-45 OTHER SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES: Genesis 18: 1-3 Exodus 4: 22 Leviticus 25: 39-42 Psalm 105: 6 Isaiah 41: 8 Isaiah 64: 8 Hosea 2: 4 Luke 3: 7-8 John 8: 26 Romans 7: 14-20 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Where did your ancestors come from? Who is one of the more colorful characters in your family tree? 2. What is your spiritual ancestry? To what extent have religious traditions ever been impediments to hearing God's voice, or a handicap to your spiritual growth? 3. To whom does your life prove you listen? Does it show that you are a new man or woman? LINKS: The NEXT LESSON can be found here: Gospel of John - Lesson 38 - (not yet available) The PREVIOUS LESSON can be found here: Gospel of John - Lesson 36 - https://www.youtube.com/live/wKB63kSq... The FIRST LESSON can be found here: Gospel of John - Lesson 1 - https://www.youtube.com/live/c3oYzGe3... THE UNITED CHURCH OF COLCHESTER From the founding of the original church on this location in 1804, we remain committed to following in the way of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and bearing witness to the coming Kingdom of God through our life together. A Christ centered family oriented community church, we are affiliated with the American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire. We strive to be a church family, caring for each other, our community, and through our supported missions and ministries, the world beyond. We are happy that you found us, and invite you to come back and study or worship with us often, either in person, or online at this YouTube channel. Please click the LIKE icon and subscribe to be alerted to our latest postings. For more information about our faith fellowship, our events, services, programs, and ministries, just navigate to our church website at https://www.churchofcolchester.org/ May God bless you till we meet again.