#viralvideo #prayer #koinoniaglobal #apostlejoshuaselman #trending Click on the link below: 👇👇👇    / @1soundhubglobal  ▶Video original and produced exclusively by 1SOUND HUB GLOBAL ▶Footage licenced through Storyblock ▶Speaker : Apostle Joshua Selman Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak is the Founder and lead Pastor of Koinonia Global, with the mandate of replicating the fullness of God's life men.. ▶Our purpose of making these videos is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers. Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Note: we own the copyright to the footage used in this video. ▶1SOUND HUB GLOBAL is a Gospel channel with the goals to bring God's word to every souls in the world and of human influence through media with videos carefully edited by our team.. 🔴 CONNECT🔴 • YouTube -    / @1soundhubglobal  • Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... • TikTok - tiktok.com/@1soundhubglobal ▶please share to bless more people and Subscribe to 1SOUND HUB GLOBAL. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- To easily get messages shared on this channel, search for these: 1soundhubglobal koinonia messages by apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman sermons, apostle joshua selman worship songs, apostle joshua selman prayer, apostle joshua selman live, apostle joshua selman midnight prayers, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman praying in tongues, apostle joshua selman songs, apostle joshua selman tongues of fire, apostle joshua selman prayer declarations, apostle joshua selman prophetic prayer, apostle joshua selman holy spirit, koinonia global live, koinonia abuja live. propheticwordtoday2025 decreeanddeclarefinancialbreakthroughprayer joshuaselman2025prayer financialbreakthroughjoshuaselman joshuaselmanoctoberdeclarations newmonthprayerbyapostlejoshuaselman strategicprayersjoshuaselman prayersforbreakthroughandopendoors prayersforsuccesspropheticprayersanddeclarations ApostleJoshuaSelmanWorshipSong ApostleJoshuaSelmanSundayService ApostleJoshuaSelmanMorningPrayer ApostleJoshuaSelmanPrayerSession ApostleJoshuaSelmanLive ApostleJoshuaSelmanPrayer ApostleJoshuaSelmanMidnightPrayer ApostleJoshuaSelmanMessag midnightprayers Dailydevotion Christianprayers Inspirationalprayers Motivationalprayers Jesus GodsWord Gospel Morningprayers newweekprayer NewmonthJanuary2025 Newmonthfebruaryprayer Newmonthmarchprayer ApostleJoshuaSelmanworshipsong ApostleJoshuaSelmanSundayservicetoday ApostleJoshuaSelmansongs ApostleJoshuaSelmanmorningprayer ApostleJoshuaSelmanprayersession ApostleJoshuaSelmanlive ApostleJoshuaSelmanprayer ApostleJoshuaSelmanmidnightprayer ApostleJoshua apostlejoshuaselmanmessages Prayersfortoday2025 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ▶This video is original and produced exclusively by 1SOUND HUB GLOBAL If you have any questions regarding to the materials used in this video, please contact us via @Gmail.com Thank you..