Beat Saber: Overlord 3rd Opening (VORACITY) on Expert

Beat Saber: Overlord 3rd Opening (VORACITY) on Expert

What is SHE doing here? With HIS swords? Oh well, looks like she's having fun, so let's just enjoy the show! Alright, my first experiment with Custom Avatars, Custom Platforms, Custom Sabers and Camera2, hope it looks good! Also, at the moment there is a bug where custom avatars' feet clip through the floor of custom platforms sadly with certain settings, but it's being worked on! = And while we're at it, I wanna dedicate this song to a certain someone who loves Albedo x,3 = The song is the 3rd opening of the anime Overlord "VORACITY" by MYTH&ROID Mapper: ejiejidayo The map is available for download here: Custom avatar of Albedo by Whistl3R: can be found in Custom sabers "KV Overlord Greatsword BS" by Kjosa: Custom platform "JumpGate" by FrostDragon: