Michael McIntyre and the Northern Irish accent
A hilarious clip from Michael McIntyre's show discusses how a northern Irish accent is even recognised only by a sneeze. MORE HILARIOUS VIDEOS LIKE THIS: ’Top 10 Irish dance videos you need to watch https://www.meanwhileinireland.com/to... #meanwhileinireland #irishcraic #craic #irishhumour #irishmum #funnyvideos ABOUT MEANWHILE IN IRELAND Meanwhile in Ireland specialises in Bizarre Irish News, Viral Videos and general Irish Craic. Our Website: https://www.meanwhileinireland.com/ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA TikTok: / meanwhile.in.ireland Facebook: / meanwhileinirelandofficial Instagram: / meanwhile.in.ireland Twitter: / meanwhileinirl TOP ARTICLES What are Irish people like? (10 common traits): https://www.meanwhileinireland.com/wh... Top 10 hardest to pronounce Irish first names, ranked: https://www.meanwhileinireland.com/to... Top 10 funny Irish drinking toasts that always get a laugh: https://www.meanwhileinireland.com/to... Top 10 fastest ball games in the world: https://www.meanwhileinireland.com/fa... Top 10 best Irish drinking songs, RANKED: https://www.meanwhileinireland.com/to... TELL YOUR STORY If you'd like to share your story with us on video, email us: info@meanwhileinireland.com