क्या Homoeopathy द्वारा gallstone का इलाज संभव है? | Treatment for Gallbladder stone

क्या Homoeopathy द्वारा gallstone का इलाज संभव है? | Treatment for Gallbladder stone

How you can Treat gallbladder stone problem through Homoeopathy ? Watch the informative video from Dr DN Yadav and Get answers to all your Questions. What is Gallstones? Gallstones are clumps of crystallized cholesterol or some pigments in the gallbladder. This condition is fairly common (affects 11% of general population) women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones. (Medical dictum for Gallstones is: It’s a disease of fat female of forty). There are two basic types of gallstones: 1.Cholesterol gallstones: Made up of cholesterol (accounting for about 80% of cases) 2.Pigment stones: Made up of the pigment Bilirubin When the stones are of a smaller size, homeopathic medicines will help in possibly reduce the size of the stones. Homeopathy medicines are effective in alleviating pain as well as chronic inflammation of gallbladder (cholecystitis) associated with the condition. Homeopathy also helps to control further stone production activity. Subscribe now for valuable tips and empower yourself on the path to holistic wellness! 📢 Stay connected with us: Website: https://homoeopathique.in/ Facebook :   / homoeopathique   Instagram :  / homoepathique   Call us today! +91 96547 72733 +91 96547 72734 Mail us at Homoeopathique@gmail.com Make sure you don't miss any of these educational videos by subscribing and turning on bell notifications. Like and Share to raise awareness and help others. #homopathy #gallstone #healthylife #gallbladderstone #gallbladder #gallstone #gallstones #gallbladdercancer #kidney #cholecystitis #ayurveda #kidneystones #urinarytractinfection #kidneypain #kidneyfunction #kidneysupplements #gujarat #ahmedabad #stonebreaker #health #kidneyinfection #healthmatters #healthinnovation #kidneyhealth #facts #surgery #kidneystone #kidneydetox #gallbladdersurgery #renalcalculi #kidclear #ayurvedicupchar #ayurvedicnuskhe #symptoms #gastroclinix #cholecystectomy #gallbladderstones #gallbladderproblems #yourhealthcompanion #healthyliving #gastroentrology #healthtip #stayhealthy #drdnyadav #piles #bangalore #bileduct #cancersurvivor #gallbladderremoval #improvekidneys #kidneyfailure #kidneydamage #homeremedies #kidneydisease #ayurvedictreatment #ayurvedic #kidneycleanse #ayurvedicremedies #ayushremedies #chronicpain #pain #gallstoneremoval #gallstonesurgery