Antipsychotic Medications Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide to Types, Clinical Use & Side Effects
In this YouTube video, Dr Sanil Rege discusses the neurobiology and psychopharmacology of antipsychotic medication. Dr Rege explains that antipsychotics are not just used to treat psychotic symptoms but also have additional properties such as antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. The video covers different ways that antipsychotics can be prescribed, including long-acting depot injections, and the importance of maintaining a steady-state medication level for patients. The presenter also explains the various symptoms associated with psychosis and how different pathways in the brain are affected by antipsychotics. The goal of treatment is to reduce positive symptoms while maintaining mood and cognition, and preventing the side effects of increased prolactin levels. -- Related Content -- Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics (LAIs) - What do the RANZCP Guidelines Say? • Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics... -- 🎓 RESOURCES BY PSYCH SCENE: 🌐 The Academy by Psych Scene: PSYCHIATRY EDUCATION REDEFINED https://academy.psychscene.com/ Revolutionary psychiatry learning. 🌐 Psych Scene Hub: PSYCHIATRY TEXTBOOK OF THE FUTURE https://psychscenehub.com/ The Hub is devoted to making you a better mental health professional. Our team of academic and clinical experts bring you powerful summaries, videos and interviews in psychiatry and neurosciences. 🌐 Psych Interview Online: REAL WORLD SKILLS FOR REAL WORLD SUCCESS https://www.psychinterview.com/ The Psych Interview online courses offer high-quality training to help you improve your psychiatric interview skills through self-study. They are suitable for Psychiatrists, Psychiatry trainees, Mental health practitioners, Nurses and General Practitioners. 🌐 Psych Scene Online: THE ONLINE COURSES TO HELP YOU SUCCEED https://ranzcpexams.psychscene.com/ Learn at your own pace with the RANZCP Written Exam prep online courses, psychotherapy online course and CEQ podcasts brought to you by the Psychiatry Training Experts. 🌐 Psych Scene: THE PSYCHIATRY TRAINING EXPERTS https://psychscene.com/ Psych Scene offers specialised training and professional development for Psychiatry Trainees, Psychiatrists, General Practitioners and Mental Health Practitioners. Here you can find our upcoming live courses. -- 📱 SOCIALS Subscribe for weekly videos on Psychiatry and Neuroscience: / @psychiatrysimplified Instagram: / psychiatry.excellence Facebook: / psychscenehub – 👋 LET’S CONNECT! Follow Sanil Rege on LinkedIn: / sanilregepsychiatrist Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 1:47 What are antipsychotics? 2:34 Antipsychotic medication uses 3:31 Dopamine pathways 6:12 Antipsychotic categories 7:53 Antipsychotic medications in Australia 8:42 Antipsychotic agents without dopamine blockade 9:48 How do antipsychotics work? 10:11 The role of the 5HT2A receptor 10:28 Partial agonists & the goldilocks effect 11:50 Antipsychotic types and their relation to symptoms 12:19 Possible side effects of antipsychotics 13:09 Tolerability antipsychotics 14:36 Managing side effects of antipsychotics #NeurobiologyOfAntipsychotics #PsychopharmacologyExplained #AntipsychoticsBeyondPsychosis #LongActingDepotInjections #SteadyStateMedication #PathwaysInBrain #ReducingPositiveSymptoms #MaintainingMoodAndCognition #ProlactinSideEffects #AntidepressantEffectsOfAntipsychotics #AntiAnxietyEffectsOfAntipsychotics