ANGST- CHAPTER 5 • 457 OUT AU! [ Squid Game S2 ] Gacha life 2 | 001 x 456 | check desk.

ANGST- CHAPTER 5 • 457 OUT AU! [ Squid Game S2 ] Gacha life 2 | 001 x 456 | check desk.

apk: snapedit,am,kinemaster,ibispaint time taken:.idgf im so tired ===================== heres about this au-! Chapter 1 It starts. This chapter tells their journey while still in the squid game. Chapter 1.5 -Stop Acting like a hero. Tells where Gihun wants to stop sq again even though he has managed to get out with the others, but Vic tries to make Gihun realize, no need to pay for your guilt in the past, everyone has their own life, they choose that, okay!, focus on the present, that's it in short. Chapter 2 -A lie Where they all live peacefully after sq ends, 2 years have passed, even though many have become victims at least they recover slowly, and Inho who disguises himself as Youngli, and Jun Ho who accepts his brother back even though he has to call him by his new name.. because basically family is hard to understand.., Inho, Junho.. I'm like them too, even though my brother tortured me when I was little, even did that to me.. but when he disappeared for 1 day I was anxious, cried, I hated him.. but why? Why am I crying?.. Chapter 3 -No matter how good you hide Telling where in ho was found out by gi hun that he was the frontman, the 2 year memory was not fake, gi hun hated himself who liked inho.. or youngli..he hated.. even when gihun found out that youngli was the frontman he could only be silent, and of course inho knew about this, gi hun was disgusted.. his bad memories came back jung bae..jung bae was his best friend! There was no way he would like someone like that. Chapter 4 -Cage. Tells the story, In Ho is the one who forced Gi Hun to like him.. Gi Hun doesn't care anymore, he's tired of whatever game it is... He hates this.., here In Ho becomes aggressive towards Gi Hun based on his obsession.. But Gi Hun fights back? 2 years.. full of new beautiful memories.. not fake? But Gi Hun still doesn't forgive Inho. Chapter 5 -Sorry. This chapter tells about In Ho who wants to change because of pressure.. he is no longer afraid of his world.. he has to go back.. moreover Akmal and Victor gave him a good negotiation.. but why is he afraid to face the expressions of the people he loves?.. And.. in this chapter Inho almost died because of an FBI agent's shot, that's because he protected Gi Hun from them because Gi Hun has nothing to do with this game, yep in this chapter Squid Game has reached the West.. although only a few know the truth. Here In Ho is really going to die, he meets his wife.. in his dream, his wife tells him to go back to move on.. but Inho refuses he wants to be with his wife, then his wife answers "it's not the time yet.. darling", Inho's wife tries to convince him to go after his current love.. but In Ho refuses.. he is too selfish, he is evil, people like him don't deserve a second chance. Then in ho who was in a coma for 1 week, played in his dream spending time with his wife and child, he woke up, with gi hun who was worried and the others too.. They were worried why?.. Gi hun cried. Chapter 6 -Its here! Where in ho was given a second chance.. moreover for them the memories of 2 years were not fake.. there is no point in always hating people who want to change..,others really hard to forgive in ho,but.. they cant.. cus of that memory they loves in inho,but in ho betray them.. but after looking what inho did now.. they maybe slowly.. will accpect him, sometimes everyone needs a second chance if they intend to, this process takes 2 year for in ho to make them all happy again.. in ho also visited the graves of his friends who died. In ho was touched that people like him got a second chance. Chapter 7 End Where time goes by quickly, with gi hun and in hi who got married, and gi hun's child who returned, because there was a big problem from his child and ex-wife, in ho also stopped being a frontman since he was shot.. he works with victor and akmal now. The only words in ho remembers are. Victor: no matter how clever you are at hiding a secret, there will definitely be a time when it will be revealed. ~ The end [ check in comments for more,cus it wont fit,i hit max words on desk] #gachalife #squidgame2 #457 #001 #456 #001x456 #squidgame #animation #gcmm #gachalife2 #edit #gihun #inho #gachaclub #story#squidgamegacha #squidgameseason2 #netflix #au