iPad Pro M1 16-Core IOS| Resident Evil 4 Remake| Separate Ways| “Hardcore” Difficulty Chapter 7|

iPad Pro M1 16-Core IOS| Resident Evil 4 Remake| Separate Ways| “Hardcore” Difficulty Chapter 7|

Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023). Whole complete story, recorded, edited, and played on iPad Pro M1-Chip 1TB (16 Cores). I absolutely love this game to death, $1500 spent on making sure I can play it on PS5 before its release, purchased a PSVR2 Just so i can play in VR, along with buying the collectors edition after-sale for another $450. The OG and Remake sincerely have a special place in my heart from scaring my sibling and I at the age of 12, to now as an adult (not so scared now 😂) And giving me one of the best experiences i could ever ask for. After this video, I may record some mercenaries, trying to go for WR on IOS devices. But as for now, the game for me on iPad, is now complete. Wether it was algorithm or people actually interested in my videos, i truly thank all you for being here in this journey from my PS5 recordings, to iPad videos with editing that I’m sure some of you can see the “skills” i acquired through messing with Final Cut Pro. Thank you again, and until next time. Resident Evil 5 Remake will be amazing and I can’t wait for it!!!!!!!