EXTREME BEAUTY SUBLIMINAL! Become more attractive instantly ✨
This subliminal has been created to give you rapid results to manifest your desired physical appearance and become more attractive instantly. You will not be able to hear the affirmations as we are going straight to the subconscious mind which is able to hear the affirmations even if your conscious mind cannot hear them. This will bring you rapid results as there will be no resistance to the desired outcome as we are bypassing the conscious mind and so the affirmations go straight to your subconscious mind. ✨ If you want to purchase this audio without the intro & listen to it on your device wherever you go, click here: (link coming soon) For best results, listen to this audio anytime during the day for the next thirty days at least. This will rapidly shift your mind to accept new beliefs that otherwise would seem impossible for you. This subliminal has been created with great care, including binaural beats, theta waves, powerful affirmations in "I am" and "you are" form (gender neutral) for powerful and rapid manifestation results. I have also included Rife frequencies for beauty and facial toning. ✨ ______________ Join this channel to get early access to videos and live streams: / @lisa.alexandra enter my world & uplevel your life👇🏼✨☕️ ♡ watch my free abundance masterclass: http://tinyurl.com/abundancemasterclass ♡ join LIMITLESS: https://tinyurl.com/37c5n8m5, THE movement to create the life of your dreams ♡ The Vault - 🔐 access all my programs in one space for a fraction of the cost! https://www.tinyurl./the-vault2024 💧 scalar technology to create a quantum vortex in your home: https://tinyurl.com/mt28fvbc ✨ get a FREE sound therapy session (scroll to bottom): https://tinyurl.com/mt28fvbc ✨ miracle healing Rife frequency machine: https://www.tinyurl.com/rifefrequencies ✨ psychic readings -- get your first 5 min for FREE: https://www.mysticsense.com/#lisaalex... ° interview with founder of scalar quantum healing technology: • SCIENTIST EXPLAINS MANIFESTATION & Re... ° interview with founder of rife frequency machine: • I MANIFESTED my HEALING 🍵 The Untold ... _________________________________________________ POPULAR VIDEOS: ° how i manifested my dream life: • HOW I MANIFESTED MY DREAM LIFE (Pt. l... ° how i manifested my dream life part II: • HOW I MANIFESTED MY DREAM LIFE (Pt. l... ° manifest anything with scripting: • MANIFEST anything with SCRIPTING ✨ E... ° maldives travel vlog - • MALDIVES TRAVEL VLOG 🏝 ° fall morning routine - • FALL MORNING ROUTINE ☕️ _______________________________________ List of affirmations will be found on my website: (link coming soon) Benefits: I am magnetic I am instantly more attractive Everyone notices my beauty I have clear skin I have the perfect face Everybody compliments me on my beauty I am offensively beautiful I am radiant and glowing clear skin skin tightening perfect proportions (b0dy) perfect shape (b0dy) extreme beauty subliminal tags: MANIFESTING,law of attraction,neville goddard,law of assumption,manifest,success,affirmations,vision board,scripting manifestation,how to manifest,manifest fast,how to manifest anything,manifest love,manifest sp,manifest specific person meditation,manifest specific,manifest specific person,beauty subliminal,beauty subliminal powerful,instant attraction subliminal,subliminals 2024,subliminal shifting,subliminal beauty,subliminal,subliminal crush,meditationon