GOD OF WAR CHAINS OF OLYMPUS Part 14-Walkthrough Gameplay- The Crypt-(1080p 60FPS)
-GOD OF WAR CHAINS OF OLYMPUS Part 14-Walkthrough Gameplay(Spartan Mode)-The Crypt. -like and subscribe -When you go out the new hole in the wall turn immediately to the right and grab the chest of Red Orbs on the ledge. Next, you'll want to shimmy across the very thin ledge up against the wall to reach the other side of this area. Just approach the wall and try to run along it and Kratos should automatically start shimmying. On the other side you will want to smash another hole in the wall where you see the cracks and pull the lever in this room. The chest near the lever will have a Phoenix Feather inside or Red Orbs if you've already maxed out your Magic. Jump down to the floor below you and go through the gate we just opened. There will be some enemies up the stairs and another lever for you to pull which will open up the path that leads you to a throne. Grab the Cryptkeeper's Key from the door next to the throne and the Gorgon Eye from inside the chest near the throne. If you have been following this guide since the start of the game this Gorgon Eye will give you max health - all future chests with Gorgon Eyes will be chests with Red Orbs instead. After you've collected the two goodies stand in front of the throne and press the Circle button. This will start a minigame where Kratos will kick the throne off the ledge up here and it'll fall down below. Go back downstairs and pick up the body on the ground, place it ontop the pressure plate and a platform will raise out of the ground. Use the Cryptkeeper's Key on the platform that comes out of the ground and it'll create a giant bridge for you to cross leading to the other side. Cross the bridge and open up the two chests to your right - one of which is a Red Orb chest and the other is unmarked. The unmarked chest may or may not have a Gorgon Eye or Phoenix Feather. From now on I will mention if the chest is unmarked but since we have full Health/Magic we won't get any more Gorgon Eyes or Phoenix Feathers. The next room you come across will have a giant statue of Zeus holding a neat looking gauntlet. Enemies will spawn when you enter the room and you'll have to use the fabled Plume of Prometheus to destroy their shields so that you can defeat them (Square, Square, Triangle). When the fight is over stand in the middle of the room and press the circle button to start a minigame that involves Kratos pulling down the Statue of Zeus . After pulling down the statue pick up the Gauntlet of Zeus item which is going to be another power-up for Kratos. Press down on the D-pad to equip this gauntlet; also I recommend spending some of your Red Orbs immediately to enhance this gauntlet and unlock more attacks. I personally had enough Red Orbs to max out this gauntlet along with every other power up on Kratos at this point. Defeat the enemies that spawn after you pick up the Gauntlet of Zeus - I recommend you use Efreet or Blades of Chaos though because they have shields. Once they're all defeated exit this room, run across the bridge and smash the locked door that we came through originally. A spikey wall will chase you through this hallway as you smash through another door then through the statue. We're now back in the room with the 3 statues and that crank from earlier. Use the Gauntlet of Zeus to destroy the two statues here - behind one is an unmarked chest and behind the other is the path we need to take next. Follow the linear path down into a new room then climb the rock wall up to another room. There will be a crank in this room that you can turn after you defeat all of the enemies along with a Health and Magic chest. After you turn the crank return to the room below you. On the right hand side of the screen you'll see a chain that connects to this platform that you can use to cross over to a new area with a save point and a Health/Magic chest. -Thanks for Watching.