KIDS REVIEW: DAY 15 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 2024 Building Toy Set #75395 by Jack’s Videos!

KIDS REVIEW: DAY 15 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 2024 Building Toy Set #75395 by Jack’s Videos!

KIDS REVIEW: DAY 15 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 2024 Building Toy Set #75395 by Jack’s Videos! This set has 368 pieces and recommended for ages 6+. Day 1 was the mini Lego XWing Build - awesome!!! Day 2 was the Princess Leia minifigure with a blue Holiday Hoth Sweater - rad! Day 3 was the mini Lego Tie Fighter with a cool blue color scheme! Day 4 was a Super BattleDroid with dark silver color - amazing! Day 5 was a AT AT Walker - rad! Day 6 was the YWing mini build! Day 7 is the Mini Kit from Star Wars 2005 video game! You can collect 10 of these, open the canisters and get a piece to a mini vehicle build! This is a very unusual prize and unless you played the video game you won’t know what it is :) Day 8 is Jaba’s Sail Barge mini build! Day 9 is the iconic Millennium Falcon mini ship build! Day 10 is the Asoka Tano mini-figure - love it!!! Day 11 is the Lego mini build Venator-class Star Destroyer also known as Anakan’s “Resolute” ship! Day 12 is the Lego Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle, never seen that one in a mini build! Day 13 is Asoka’s Starfigjter mini build! Day 14 is the Pre Visla Mandalorian Starfighter mini build! Day 15 is the 501st Clone Tropper - insanely cool!!! I can’t wait to see what we get in Day 16! Tune in every day this December until Christmas to see what cool Lego Star Wars build we get! #LegoStarWars #LegoAdventCalendar #StarWarsAdvdntCalendar #Lego2024 #LegoHoliday #LegoChristmas #LegoHanukkah #LegoGifts #kidsreviews #StarWarsAdvdntCalendar#2024 #legoxwing #starwarsminifigures #smallyoutubers#smallyoutuberscommunity #PrincessLeia #legoxwing #legoTieFighter #LegoSuperBattleDroid #Driods #skeletoncrew #starwars #AtAt #LegoAtAt #LegoDriod #LegoJedi #JediKnight #LegoYWing #LegoStarWarsMiniKit #legoJaba #Jabassailbarge #JabaTheHutt #tatooine #BountyHunter #legoSarlac #SarlacPit #LegoMillenniumFalcon #HanSolo #chewbacca #LegoAsokaTano #Asoka #lightsaber #TheForce #resolte #LegoVenatorStarDestroyer #Palpatine #anaken #LegoShuttle #AsokasStarfighter #EmperorPalpatinsShuttle #legomicrobuild #MandalorianStarfighter #CloneTrooper #501stMiniFigure #LegoStormTrooper