Origami gift money: Creative ways to give money_toilet paper roll_ origami gift money  #valentine

Origami gift money: Creative ways to give money_toilet paper roll_ origami gift money #valentine

Give money with just a roll of toilet paper!!! This is a perfect option for a Valentine's gift that only requires a few coins and a roll of toilet paper. Send this video to your friends so they can make an attractive Valentine's gift. 00:09 intro 00:10 part 1 00:32 part 2 00:56 part 3 01:28 part 4 E-mail:[email protected] #origami_training #folder #valentine #money #heart #gift #Chocolate_box #christmas #animals #paper Click on the link below    / @origami_training   My name is Fatemeh and by joining my channel you can learn how to make easy origami, moving origami, 3D origami and animal origami. Origami training Origami 3D Origami easy Origami Moving origami Architectural origami Children's origami Visual form of Hello origami Heart origami Fox origami Envelope origami Boat origami