(FIRST TIME WATCH) | Road House (1989) - Movie Review | Patreon Request

(FIRST TIME WATCH) | Road House (1989) - Movie Review | Patreon Request

In today’s spoiler-free movie review requested via my Patreon, I’m talking about the 1989 movie: Road House. A big thank you to Ryan Swales for requesting me to check out the movie. Go subscribe to Ryan’s channel:    / @ryanswales   A little information about, Road House: Road House is a 1989 American action film directed by Rowdy Herrington and starring Patrick Swayze as a cooler at a newly refurbished roadside bar who protects a small town in Missouri from a corrupt businessman. Sam Elliott co-stars as a bouncer, the mentor, friend, and foil of Swayze's character. The cast also includes Kelly Lynch as Swayze's love interest and Ben Gazzara as the main antagonist. Contact me & sign up for Patreon via the link below: https://linktr.ee/didyouzthat A BIG THANK YOU TO MY PATREON’S: Ryan - RWR Movie Reviews Ryan - Ryan Swales Adam - What The Jim! Andrew - A.C Recommends Elliot - IMO Reviews Sarah - Popcorn Chat Tyler Babb - Tyler Babb / The Rendered Image Jason - Jason the Old Millennial Terrence - D. Movieman Micheal O’ Brien #RoadHouse #patrickswayze #samelliott #KellyLynch #rowdyherrington #patreon #movie #moviereview #1989