9:30 a.m. Mass of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
#LIVE | Welcome to St. Bernard Catholic faith community in Glassell Park, California, and our celebration of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Let us give God this hour of praise and worship, and open our hearts to the love he most assuredly will give to us. + ALERT! GOD MADE A COVENANT WITH HIS PEOPLE! This Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ is more than just a celebration of the Eucharist; it is the proclamation of God creating a covenant — a bond of love — through the total giving of his Son. We eat his broken body; and drink his blood poured out! HE is the bond. HE is the covenant. HE is the source of love, healing, forgiveness, and life. + We gather as the Body of Christ with #LACatholics and our viewers around the world — especially our online communities in the #Philippines and #Italy. Maligayang pagdating! Benvenuto! For the readings and Divine Mercy guide, visit www.stbernard-parish.com/readings, and www.stbernard-parish.com/divinemercy, respectively. + To make a tax-deductible donation to St. Bernard Catholic Church, visit us online, at www.stbernard-parish.com/giving to get started. And thanks!