The Last of Us Part 1 Gameplay Walkthrough (4K 60FPS) Chapter 9 Lakeside Resort - No Commentary

The Last of Us Part 1 Gameplay Walkthrough (4K 60FPS) Chapter 9 Lakeside Resort - No Commentary

Like & Share. Thank you! Activate the bell for this channel 🔔 The next chapter of the game:    • The Last of Us Part 1 Gameplay Walkth...   Watch the entire game's playlist:    • The Last of Us Part I (2022) Full Game   Chapter 9 - Lakeside Resort The Hunt Cabin Resort Following the events of the Science Building, you'll now find yourself in control of Ellie. Interestingly, you begin The Hunt with eight Artefacts already in your backpack, so you don't have to manually collect these. However, if you're playing The Last of Us or The Last of Us Remastered, you may want to carefully examine each one in order to get them to register towards your completion. This isn't necessary in The Last of Us: Part I, as they'll automatically be listed as collected. However, there is some extra dialogue which makes observing them worthwhile. You'll also find one Firefly Pendant named Riley's Firefly Pendant in your backpack, but this doesn't count towards your overall collectibles. The Hunt may be over, but now you're the hunted. At the beginning of Cabin Resort, you're going to want to ride your horse hard and fast in an attempt to escape the ambush. If anyone grabs onto your horse, then kick them off by mashing the square button. Eventually you'll lose your horse and have to progress on foot, so head to the cabin in front of you. You can get in through the window. Revolut (Donations): PayPal (Donations): Subscribe:    / @zelreigameplay   Facebook:   / zelreigameplay   TikTok:   / zelreigameplay   Instagram:   / zelreigameplay_youtubechannel_   Threads: X: Steam: #thelastofus #thelastofuspart1 #action #gameplay #walkthrough #horrorgaming