Psychic Reading for Dog Comes Through Proving the Afterlife Reverend Donna Seraphina

Psychic Reading for Dog Comes Through Proving the Afterlife Reverend Donna Seraphina

Everybody who has ever loved a dog has been broken hearted when they pass. One question people have is, "Do dogs go to heaven?" "Do they have a soul?" I believe the answer is yes, and I believe I have the evidence right here. What you are hearing on this recording is a real psychic development circle facilitated by myself, Reverend Donna Seraphina. Circles are one of my very favorite activities. If you are interested in hosting a circle with me in your town, please email me at ReverendDonnaSeraphina@Gmail. You can also email me at put "mailing list" or email me at put "reading" if you are interested in a reading. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO Thank you.