Episode 90 - 4R100 Transmission Drain and Fill Plus Filter 2001 Ford F250

Episode 90 - 4R100 Transmission Drain and Fill Plus Filter 2001 Ford F250

Welcome! In this video I do a drain and fill on the transmission of my 2001 Ford F250 named Ms. Mildew. I also swap out the transmission filter. This job wasn't too hard, just tedious. Make sure you fill the transmission back up with Dex/Merc ATF, as that is what is required. I did this to try and fix some pretty bad vibration when the transmission goes into overdrive while driving. Overdrive is getting much better, but it's not 100% yet. I imagine after I do one more drain and fill I'll be good to go. Want to see more videos? Visit my channel below!    / mazdab3k   WARNING! This video is for entertainment purposes only. Do the actions outlined in this video at home at your own risk.