The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 3 Part 3 - In Harm's Way "The Grand Escape Plan!"

The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 3 Part 3 - In Harm's Way "The Grand Escape Plan!"

The Walking Dead is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Telltale Games. Based on the comic book series of the same name. After the event in Season 1 which resulted in Lee's death, we now took the role of Clementine trying to survive in the apocalypse. The group came up with a plan to break out of Howe Hardware. Firstly, they need to get a set of radio so that Luke can watch the guard patrols. Then turn on the Announcement system from the Craver office to draw the undead horde attention as a distraction. With great effort, the radio heist is a success. Now all that left is to give it to Luke...