RE5 PS4: Chapter 2-1『Pro/No Damage/Quad S Rank/No Infinite Ammo』

RE5 PS4: Chapter 2-1『Pro/No Damage/Quad S Rank/No Infinite Ammo』

Quad S requirement *Accuracy: 70%+ *Enemies Routed: 60+ *Clear Time: 23:00- So after RE4 No Damage, I decided to continue here with RE5, since I actually had fun with it. But of course here it works kinda differently with the rules, I considered doing a New Game on Professional but the thing is: yes, you can unlock via coop without beating the game on Veteran, but it saves any Ammo/Money after Saving Checkpoint and since this can take many attempts, I would basically grind too much Money/Ammo, which defeats the purpose on a New Game run. So I decided doing on New Game+ and don't have to deal with that and make my own Limitations/Rules (which are down below): -No Checkpoint Reload abuse to manipulate the enemy spawns -No glitches to break the game -Similar Rocket Launcher Rule like with RE4, I can't buy one, but I can use the one I find -Weapon Limitation: I only take Weapons that are normally unlocked through the Chapters (as example: I can't take the M3 Shotgun until Chapter 3-3 where you find one) As for 100% Checklist, I decided to take all Stats on S Rank over collecting all Treasures since I always prefer maximal Rankings over Collectibles. The reason I can only do one of those 2 things is the Time requierement for the S Ranks, it won't work already in Chapter 1-1 when I go for the Dynamite Majini at the start. I still get the BSAA Emblems tho. RE5 No Damage Playlist:    • [COMPLETE] Resident Evil 5 (PS4)『Pro/...