Dealing With Exes and Expectations #youtubeshorts
There are so many things to learn about dealing with breakups and especially when both parties are celebrities. Dealing with your ex doesn't have to be difficult, but don't walk into common traps. Tap in to hear my thoughts. #kimkardashian #petedavidson #snl #offset #cardib #celebrity #celebritynews #tmz #husband #wife #exhusband #exwife #exgirlfriend #exboyfriend #toxic #toxicrelationships #fiance #podcast #relationship #datingtips #dating #relationshipadvice #soulmate #soulmates #numerology #astrology #graydivorce #divorce #marriage #sleep #sleepmusic #sleepsounds #sleepdivorce #divorce IG @therealcigarjeff IG @rmblmbt Facebook @thesmokesomethindrinksomethinpodcast Articles Referenced: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/p... https://bossip.com/2778882/offset-see... https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/rel...