The Chapel of Glory Ministries Sunday Service: March 16, 2025
God bless you and welcome to the Chapel of Glory Ministries! Here is the order for today's service: Call to Worship & Opening Prayer- Psalm 146 Congregational Hymn Praise and Worship Prayer for all nations- Tajikistan Announcement Words of Exhortation Series: Acts of the Apostles (Topic- Who is Jesus to you?) Benediction Our Core Values: Humility- We want to encourage people to surrender to the leading of Jesus Christ through His word and the Holy Spirit, who is our comforter, and be involved in His mission. Excellence- We want to be a community where all people can aim for perfection in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We shall teach the truth and live by it. Purity- We want to challenge everyone to pursue inner purity, live in one accord, and conduct our businesses in honesty with the goal of winning souls for Christ. Accessibility- We want to create an environment where people from all nations can freely worship and come to the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ. Mission statement: Reaching out through love, teaching the truth and leading all nations in humility to God through Jesus Christ. Vision statement: A ministry where people from all walks of life can fellowship with one another and worship God through Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth.