“I miss the old gibi asmr… :/” #asmr #asmrsounds
ARE YOU SUUUURE? ARE YOU SUUURE YOU MISS THE OLD GIBI?? FINE - LET'S BRING IT BACK TO 2016 hahahahah -I brought out ol faithful, the CANON REBEL and the Blue Yeti and all my most iconic original triggers! ! am totally just having fun with these kinds of comments - I think it's sweet that people have been around for such a long time that you've witnessed me literally, and professionally grow! I will say, hilariously, I had to shoot this video freaking twice because the audio didn't record.... really.. really brought me back. But it was really fun to do a throwback like this, so thank you so much for watching, and thanks for being around!!! LOLing at the fact that I quite literally am cosplaying myself the wig.... i had to thin it out so much and its still too thick to be my hair.. rip.. gibi,gibi asmrfor sleep,asmr,asmr sleep,asmr shortsjojos asmrjojo asm,#asmr,stress relief.asmr tapping,#asmr #shorts,ear to earasmr mouth sounds,asmr for sleep,#shorts,#asmr shortasmr short,asmr tingles,asmr #shorts,i miss the old gibi asmr #ASMR #GibiASMR #ASMRcommunity #ASMRtist #ASMRvideos #ASMRtingles #ASMRroleplay #ASMRcommunity #ASMRtriggers #ASMRsleep #asmrtherapy #asmrtrigger #asmrsounds #asmrsleep #asmristy #asmrheals #asmrvisuals #asmrwhispers #asmrlove #asmrvids