All Chapter 4 Bosses_No Hits/Damage/Pellets_Black Myth: Wukong PS5 4K
No hits nor damage taken fights with all the bosses and mini-bosses with a life bar in chapter 5, "Rosy Cheeks, Gray Hair", of Black Myth: Wukong on PlayStation 5. 0:00 Second Sister 2:16 Venom Daoist 1(Base Weapon) 7:33 Elder Amourworm 11:16 Centipede Guai 13:12 Buddha's Right Hand 16:34 Yellow Loong 22: 53 Zhu Bajie 1 26:19 Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw 27:49 Zhu Bajie 2(Phase 1) 29:00 Zhu Bajie(Phase 2) 32:23 Violet Spider 35:19 Beetle Commander 37:50 Fungiwoman 39:31 Venom Daoist 2(Phase 1) 41:05 Venom Daoist 2(Phase 2) 44:04 Daoist Mi 48:27 Scorpionlord 50:32 The Duskveil(Phase 1) 52:04 The Duskveil(Phase 2) 53:58 Hundred Eyed Daoist Master Intro Cutscene 56:20 100 I'd DM(Phase 1) 58:45 100 I'd DM(Phase 2) #allbosses #blackmythwukongps5 #4k #ps54k #hitless #wukongskill #rosycheeksgrayhair #chapter4 #blackmythwukonggameplay #nohit #nodamage #wukongcombat #yellowloong #zhubajie #blackmythwukonggame #wukongbossfights #hundredeyeddaoist #scorpionlord #venomdaoist #daoistmi #theduskveil #violetspider #kunsteel #purplecloudmountain