5 Easy Way To Cure PCOS | Home Remedies , Irregular Periods | Hormonal Imbalance, Neer Katti

5 Easy Way To Cure PCOS | Home Remedies , Irregular Periods | Hormonal Imbalance, Neer Katti

Vaarta (https://vaarta.com)) is India’s first regional focused podcast app for Tamil audience.. Publish your Tamil podcasts absolutely FREE and start earning. Visit https://www.vaarta.com or install the Vaarta Android app! #Hormoneimbalance #pcod&pcos #irregularperiods Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. For More, visit ►►    / @avalglitz   #AvalGlitz, a venture of #IndiaGlitz, will be a channel exclusively covering topics related to #women of all ages. A wide array of topics and conversations around career, motivation, health, family, parenting, science, recipes, personal care, culture and more. First-hand guides from industry experts & women leaders in fields of management, technology, entertainment, politics, and others.In the era of MeToo and Equality, we strongly believe a channel of this nature is most needed. We're always looking forward to your feedback and suggestions. Please write to us at [email protected]. AvalGlitz - Just for Thamazhichis ❤