Yoga for Headache, migraine relief, തലവേദന മാറ്റാൻ യോഗ ചെയാം, Stress relief yoga, follow along yoga,

Yoga for Headache, migraine relief, തലവേദന മാറ്റാൻ യോഗ ചെയാം, Stress relief yoga, follow along yoga,

This is a follow along yoga sequence useful for person with headache and migraine, tension headache, sinus related headache, stress related headache and other mechanical factors related headache. This will help to relieve the tension in the neck part and improve blood circulation to head and try to calm the brain. For online yoga class and other enquires, mail id : [email protected] watsapp no: 8089580495 15 minute easy morning yoga    • 15 minute  easy yoga for beginners/ യ...   30 minutes easy morning yoga    • 30 minutes morning yoga sequence Mala...   Easy loosening exercise to do before yoga    • Easy warm up or loosening exercise to...   Suryanamaskara for beginners    • Suryanamaskaram Malayalam(12 step) wi...   Bhujangasana    • Bhujangasana/Cobra pose/ഭുജംഗാസനം   Ushtrasana    • Ustrasana/ Camel Pose  Malayalam/ ഉഷ്...   Dhanurasana    • Dhanurasana/ Bow posture/ ധനുരാസനം/ y...   5 asanas to reduce belly fat    • 5 yoga asanas to reduce belly fat, വയ...   Yoga for neck, shoulder, and upper back    • കഴുത്ത് വേദനക്ക് യോഗ, Yoga for neck, ...   Yoga for Diabetes/ Vakrasana    • Vakrasana/Half Spinal Twist Malayalam...   Yoga for Eye health    • Yoga for eye health, കണ്ണിൻ്റെ ആരോഗ്യ...   Pranayama Full yogic breathing    • Sectional breathing/Vibhagiya Svasana...   Bhramari pranayama for memory    • Bhramari Pranayama for Memory   Bhastrika pranayama for cleansing    • Bhastrika Pranayama for Energy and Fr...   Nadi shuddhi/ anuloma viloma    • Anulomaviloma/nadishuddhi pranayama   Sethubandhasana/ bridge pose    • Sethu Bandhasana/ Bridge pose/ സേതുബന...   Pavanamuktasana kriya for digestion    • Pavanamuktasana kriya for Digestion/പ...   15 minute easy morning yoga    • 15 minute  easy yoga for beginners/ യ...   Relaxation techniques Deep relaxation and simple meditation    • Deep Relaxation Technique and simple ...   Quick relaxation technique    • Quick Relaxation Technique/ QRT in Ma...   Yoga Malayalam YogaforHeadache#yogaformigraine