June 18, 2023 10AM Worship Service

June 18, 2023 10AM Worship Service

Recordings of our Sunday worship services are posted during the following week. Missing services will be added soon. Today's Sermon: Moses the Deliverer: Speaking Truth to Power (Exodus 5:1-9) Dr. Robert Prince Scripture Reading: Janet Foushee Bicentennial History Moment: Larry Ammons Worship Through Music: Be Thou My Vision (arr. Young) Mary Ann Cooper - organ Nobody (Casting Crowns | Matthew West) 100 South Main Worship Band | Congregation So Will I (100 Billion X) (Hillsong UNITED) 100 South Main Worship Band | Congregation Like a River Glorious (Hymn #58) Sanctuary Choir | Congregation Agnus Dei (arr. Harlan) Sanctuary Choir God Be With You Till We Meet Again (Hymn) Congregation Postlude: Onward Christian Soldiers (arr. Young) Mary Ann Cooper - organ