June 18, 2023 10AM Worship Service
Recordings of our Sunday worship services are posted during the following week. Missing services will be added soon. Today's Sermon: Moses the Deliverer: Speaking Truth to Power (Exodus 5:1-9) Dr. Robert Prince Scripture Reading: Janet Foushee Bicentennial History Moment: Larry Ammons Worship Through Music: Be Thou My Vision (arr. Young) Mary Ann Cooper - organ Nobody (Casting Crowns | Matthew West) 100 South Main Worship Band | Congregation So Will I (100 Billion X) (Hillsong UNITED) 100 South Main Worship Band | Congregation Like a River Glorious (Hymn #58) Sanctuary Choir | Congregation Agnus Dei (arr. Harlan) Sanctuary Choir God Be With You Till We Meet Again (Hymn) Congregation Postlude: Onward Christian Soldiers (arr. Young) Mary Ann Cooper - organ