How to Look After Your Lawn This Summer | Summer Lawn Care Tips

How to Look After Your Lawn This Summer | Summer Lawn Care Tips

The extended hot and sometimes dry periods of summer can knock your lawn around significantly, particularly if you haven’t taken appropriate steps to help prepare your lawn to withstand these conditions as best it can. So in this video, we share some tips to help your lawn beat the heat through this summer… Deep and infrequent watering Instead of frequent shallow watering, promote deep root growth by watering your lawn deeply but less frequently. Water your lawn early in the morning to reduce evaporation loss. We would also recommend that you consider using a rain gauge or moisture meter to monitor soil moisture levels. Use Soil Wetters Now to one product that we think is a great part of lawn care at any time, but during drought, it’s an absolute must in our opinion. I’m talking about soil wetters. Soil wetters, also known as soil surfactants or wetting agents, are substances used to improve water penetration and distribution within the soil. They are particularly beneficial for lawns and gardens where water tends to pool or run off rather than being absorbed properly. How do they work? Soil wetters work by altering the surface tension of water, allowing it to spread more evenly throughout the soil rather than beading up or forming puddles. This facilitates better absorption and distribution of water throughout the root zone, ensuring that moisture reaches the areas where it's needed most. Soil wetters can be applied in various forms, including granular or liquids. They can be incorporated into the soil during planting or lawn establishment or applied to an established lawn or garden. The frequency of application depends on the specific product used, the soil conditions, and environmental factors affecting water absorption. Lawn Soaker is a ready-to-use soil wetting agent specifically developed for use on lawns. It improves the penetration of water so it can reach deep down to the roots. Regular use will ensure the soil re-wets and prevent further dry spots from forming. Apply as frequently as necessary to treat water-repellent soil and improve drought resistance. Mow high Set your mower blades to a higher setting to leave grass taller. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing evaporation and helping to retain moisture. A short cut lawn will require more watering, along with other inputs to be maintained and kept healthy. Aerate the Soil Aerating your lawn allows air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the soil, promoting healthier root systems that can better withstand drought stress. If the water can’t penetrate compacted soil, it’s not going to be readily available for the roots of the plant when needed. If you are looking to install a new lawn, make sure you go with a drought-resistant grass species. New and improved turf varieties are bred to have superior drought tolerances than those that have come before, and TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda is a leading example. TifTuf is the only grass to be Smart Drop Certified for its water efficiency and drought tolerance and is a great choice with the current climate. For more lawn care information and special insights into Lawn Solutions Australia, subscribe to our channel. Lawn Solutions Australia - Australia’s best and most experienced turf growers - Proud Suppliers of Sir Walter DNA Certified, Sir Grange & TifTuf 🌱 #summerlawn #lawncare #lawnsolutions