4 Beautiful Fairy Garden & Popsicle Stick Gazebo Compilation #30 | Easy Crafts Ideas
Hello, everybody, this is our 30th video about miniature fairy garden compilation, so let me show you how to make this easy popsicle stick gazebo or relaxing hut with easy steps that you can follow and do it for fun or for your kids. Time Stamp: 0:01 Fairy garden #1 2:08 Miniature Gazebo #2 4:50 Garden #3 7:10 Wooden Relaxing hut #4 It’s easy and quick crafts for kids that you can do it yourself. Please enjoy the video… Crafts materials: Popsicle Sticks Fairy Garden Kits Glue gun Please subscribe this channel for more DIY and crafts videos. Thank you guys, have fun…