7 Anti-Stoic Habits to Remove from Your Life NOW (A MUST WATCH STOICISM GUIDE) | STOICISM

7 Anti-Stoic Habits to Remove from Your Life NOW (A MUST WATCH STOICISM GUIDE) | STOICISM

Many daily habits may seem harmless but silently undermine the peace and resilience that Stoicism seeks to cultivate. To truly embrace the principles of Stoicism, you must eliminate negative habits such as complaining, fearing failure, and allowing emotions to overpower reason. Stoicism is not merely a philosophy but a guiding light that helps you face life with calmness, clarity, and strength. Start this journey by identifying and removing the habits that prevent you from living a life of courage and purpose. Timeline: 12:41 00:00 - 00:32- Intro 00:33 - 01:59 - Habit 1: Complaining about things beyond your control 02:00 - 03:34 - Habit 2: Being a slave to emotions 03:35 - 05:16 - Habit 3: Seeking external validation 05:17 - 06:53 - Habit 4: Living in the past 06:54 - 08:38 - Habit 5: Worrying too much about the future 08:39 - 10:16 - Habit 6: Chasing excessive pleasure 10:17 - 11:49 - Habit 7: Chasing perfection in everything 11:50- 12:41 - Outro    / @themodernstoicg      • 5 HABITS that CHANGED my LIFE in 1 WE...   #stoicism #Wisdom #stoic #stoics #stoicevolution #marcusaurelius #stoicphilosophy #TheModernStoic #themodernstoic