2nd month of pregnancy, Week 5,6,7 & 8 in Hindi प्रेग्नेंसी लक्षण, शिशु विकास, डाइट और सावधानियां
By Dr Mayuri Kothiwala - प्रेग्नेंसी का दूसरा महीना होता हैं बेहद खास - प्रेग्नेंसी लक्षण, शिशु विकास, शारीरिक बदलाव, डाइट और सावधानियां. 2nd month of pregnancy in hindi. गर्भावस्था का पांचवां सप्ताह, गर्भावस्था का छठा सप्ताह, गर्भावस्था का सातवां सप्ताह, गर्भावस्था का आठवां सप्ताह | Baby Development - During the second month of pregnancy, the development of the fetus is approximately 1-5mm. Important body parts such as the heart, bones, muscles and neural system start to develop. Bones start to take shape and the heart begins to develop quickly. Changes in Body - During the second month of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body lead to various physical changes. Specifically, the level of the hormone HCG increases, indicating that you are pregnant. These hormonal changes also cause other changes in the body, causing you to feel uncontrolled sensations. However, there is usually no noticeable increase in the belly size at this stage, so people are not usually aware that you are pregnant. Gradually, pressure on the belly increases, making you feel like you need to rest. Symptoms at 2 months pregnant In the second month of pregnancy, a woman may experience morning sickness and changes in mood. She may also feel the urge to urinate frequently. Video on 1st Month (5, 6, 7 & 8 week) pregnancy me लक्षण, Ultrasound, बच्चे का विकास, आहार और देखभाल. जानकारी पाए - garbhavastha ka 5, 6, 7 & 8 saptah kaisa hota hai, Baby Growth, baby movements, Symptoms, Development, bacha kitna bada hota hai. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Follow me ** Instagram : / dr.mayuri_gynecology_clinic Facebook: / dr.mayuri.gynecology.clinic.jaipur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appointment Booking Booking link : https://www.drmayurigynecology.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Name: Dr Mayuri Kothiwala ( Gynecologist in Jaipur , Obstetrician; Laparoscopic Surgeon & Infertility Specialist) Clinic Name: Dr Mayuri's Gynecology Clinic Website: https://www.drmayurigynecology.com Address: Tonk Road | Vaishali Nagar | Jagatpura ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for watching this video. Please like & share the video. Subscribe this channel for more videos. Stay healthy , stay happy. Disclaimer : This information is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of an individual consultation, examination or the medical advice of your doctor. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem please consult your healthcare provider.