How to Recover Your Lawn from Heat Stress
How to Recover Your Lawn from Heat Stress. Is your lawn stressed out because of the summer heat? In this video, I'm gonna teach you How To Recover Your Lawn From Heat Stress. This part of the year is hard for cool season grass and we're just trying to survive the HEAT from the summer. Some homeowners lawns will go into dormancy because of the HEAT and lack of water on their lawns. Some homeowners won't see any effects to their lawns because they keep up on the watering. In this video, I'll show you how I recovered a heat stress spot in my test plot and how I recovered a stresses out lawn and reversed it back to its original state. I hope this video helps you if your struggling with a HEAT Stressed lawn. Thank you for your support, Be Blessed Polo "We Workin" __________________________________________ Fungicide Results for a diseased lawn • Fungicide Results for a diseased lawn!! __________________________________________ How do I know if I have a fungus in my lawn? • How to Identify Lawn Fungus __________________________________________ How to prepare your lawn for a fungus • How to Prepare your lawn for a fungus You can follow me at: / polofieldslawnservice / kenharbison2 / kenharbison2 #heatstress #summerheat #Howtorecoverfromheatstress #Fungusthateffectsturfgrass #Lawndisease #Bioadvanced #ScottsdiseaseX #Propiconizolefungicide #Brownpatch #Dollarspot #Meltingout #Leafspot #Clearys3336ffungicide #droughtstress #polofieldslawnservice