Surprise! We're Expecting Baby #2
I am excited (and a little shocked) to share that our family is growing again! This pregnancy was totally unexpected, but we couldn't be happier to welcome another bundle of joy into our lives. Also if you have any tips for raising two kids under two PLEASE SEND them over. Much appreciated! s u b s c r i b e -- / @earthseen i n s t a g r a m -- / earthseenlineth e m a i l -- earthseencontact@gmail.com What you'll see in this video: 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Baby’s Size 0:37 - Growing our Family 1:11 - How it Happened 2:05- Finding out I was Pregnant 3:25 - Symptoms #pregnancy #pregnancyannouncement #pregnancyjourney #baby2 #unexpectedpregnancy #surprisepregnancy #babyontheway #momlife #2under2 #familyupdate