Planting peas and carrots in my Ohio garden and making creamy cucumber and fresh herb dressing

Planting peas and carrots in my Ohio garden and making creamy cucumber and fresh herb dressing

Welcome to GrowCookPreserve--I'm Kelly, and I grow in Ohio, Zone 6b. In this video, I prepare for the fall season by planting a variety of peas, soaking them overnight to aid germination. I also sow carrot seeds alongside the peas, using leaf mold as mulch to retain moisture and enrich the soil. Inside, I whip up a creamy dressing with cucumbers, tomato water, locally sourced cultured cream, and fresh herbs from the garden, creating a tangy and flavorful topping for a salad and crostini. Enjoy a productive day on the homestead with me as I complete these seasonal tasks and delicious recipes! Let me know in the comments--do you soak your pea seeds? 🔔 Subscribe for more gardening in SW Ohio Zone 6b, cooking, and beekeeping tips and tricks: 👍 Like this video if you found it helpful and share it with fellow gardening enthusiasts! 🌿 Epic Gardening affiliate link for Birdie's beds, seeds and supplies: