The World Dangerous Prison Break-Alcatraz Escape |  How 3 Men Escaped Inescapable Prison @TheMalezi

The World Dangerous Prison Break-Alcatraz Escape | How 3 Men Escaped Inescapable Prison @TheMalezi

#PrisonBreak #AlcatrazEscape #TheMalezi Alcatraz island is the middle of San Francisco Bay, was one knows as the most secure prison in the world, holding some of the most dangerous criminals. It was called "Inescapable" because anyone who tried to escape was caught or died. But on the night of June 11,1962, everything changed when three immates managed to break out. To find out how they escaped and what happened to them, watch this video, it is exciting as a thriller movie. #realstory #history #alcatrazescape #threeprisonerescaped #TheMalezi #Informativevideo #Info #video #urdukahani